Gateways CONREP Doctoral Psychology Internship Program
Los Angeles & San Diego Counties
Gateways CONREP provides training and supervision to doctoral psychology students to assist in carrying out our mission—the protection of the public through the reduction, if not prevention, of reoffense by specified forensic patients. This mission is accomplished by providing standardized, intensive outpatient mental health treatment, supervision, and assessment services to those committed to receive mental health treatment pursuant to California Penal Code (PC) 2962, Offender with a Mental Health Disorder, Parolee; PC 2972, Offender with a Mental Health Disorder, Former Parolee; PC 1026, Guilty, but Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity; or PC 1370, Incompetent to Stand Trial.
The Gateways CONREP internship ascribes to a practitioner-scholar model through the practical application of theory and knowledge. Thus, this training site’s primary mode of education is experiential, supplemented with didactic seminars, modeling, clinical supervision, case consultation, and collaboration with an interdisciplinary team. The goal of this internship is to develop critical thinking, conceptualization, problem-solving, judgment, and other scientific skills that are particularly pertinent to the practice of both clinical and forensic psychology. We understand this is achieved through a variety of activities, including consultation of the professional literature and the use of empirically grounded methodologies and interventions when working with and conceptualizing clients.
Gateways CONREP has two training tracks based on location—Los Angeles County and San Diego County—with two interns placed at each site for the entirety of their training year.
Gateways CONREP’s DIP has full APPIC membership; however, it is not APA accredited. Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission of Accreditation:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202)336-5979
Email: apaaccred@apa.org
Web: www.apa.org/ed/accreditation
For more information, please review the Gateways CONREP Doctoral Psychology Internship Program
Brochure & Training Manual: