Gateways Residential Programs provide mental health services and housing for Adults ages 18-59. The programs serve individuals who are ready for discharge from Institutions for Mental Disease (IMD), Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Units, or Crisis Residential Facilities, who are in need of a safe place to live. Through our three residential facilities, we provide secured services for clients who, because of a history of placement failure or psychiatric instability, are difficult to place in community settings. In conjunction with housing, the Enhanced program offers intensive residential services to assist clients in transitioning from locked placements to community living. The primary focus is enriched treatment in a structured residential environment with intensive mental health supportive services in order to transition clients into a stable community placement, and prepare the client for more independent community living.
The Enhanced program will help to meet the need for intensive residential services to assist clients in transitioning from locked placements to community living. The primary focus is enriched treatment in a structured residential environment with intensive mental health supportive services in order to transition clients into a stable community placement and prepare the client for more independent community living.

Percy Village Residential Facility
3455 Percy St.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Tel: 323-268-2100
Normandie Village East Residential Facility
1355 S. Hill St.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Tel: 213-389-5820
Crisis Residential Treatment Program
423 N. Hoover St.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel: 323-300-1830